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Sun, January 19
Versatul Zilei, Pasajul Zilei, Un gând

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Aventuri în lumea bibliei
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Der letzte Zug  Ultimul Tren (2006)

Atentie !!!, Attention !!!


Vă aștept cu mult drag pe emanueltorrent

Domnul Isus să vă binecuvinteze


I look forward to seeing you on emanueltorrent

May the Lord Jesus bless you

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Radio Emanuel Crestin

95 de Radiouri Romanesti Crestine

95 de Radiouri Romanesti Crestine

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Torrent Comment Left by: M1Pro at 2024-12-15 11:44:30
Daily Readings - William Gurnalleste si in limba romana ?
Torrent Comment Left by: MariusC at 2024-10-30 12:00:22
EasyWorship (2009) v1.9 Incl Biblesnu fuctioneaza
Torrent Comment Left by: soneigr at 2024-07-29 18:57:07
75 Themes TSSE v 8.0Thanks very muchs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Torrent Comment Left by: flawyl31 at 2023-10-01 19:23:17
Planetshakers - Christmas, Vol. 2 (2018)

Atentie !!!, Attention !!!, Atentie !!!, Attention !!!


Începând din 13.11.2023 toate torrentele sunt urcate pe un seedbox, bucurațivă de torrentele


Starting from 13.11.2023 all torrents are uploaded to a seedbox, enjoy the torrents

Dorim să mulțumim următorilor utilizatori pentru sprijinul acordat Leontina, studiosf, admin, johnntrav, jh0ng, ctdaniel, Aser, ghavarneanu, kubbity, ADevenir, Red, alexvivat, Francisco25, tatarioan,
Latest News
TS Special Edition 8.0 Complete with Themes and Plugins | All Themes fixed - 12-01-2025 16:45

TS Special Edition 8.0 Complete with Themes and Plugins
I would like to say a big thank you to the creators of the themes for the effort and time they spent to perfect them.
Also, special thanks for modifying the Pluginsand for the processing of certain Themes Style.css as well which work perfectly go to:
admin, soneigr, Taxfour, Reddevil, Francisco25.

TS Special Edition 8.0 Complet cu teme și pluginuri.
Aș dori să le mulțumesc foarte mult creatorilor temelor pentru efortul și timpul petrecut pentru a le perfecționa.
De asemenea, mulțumiri speciale pentru modificarea pluginurilor și pentru procesarea anumitor teme Style.css, care funcționează perfect, merg la: admin, soneigr, Taxfour, Reddevil, Francisco25.

We rebuilt all the themes, you can try them all one by one, they work perfectly.
Am reconstruit toate temele, le puteți încerca pe toate una câte una, funcționează perfect. 

Christmas Calendar

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Concurs pentru logoul de la Radio Emanuel Crestin


Începând de astăzi, 03.07.2025, va fi organizat un concurs de creare a logo-ului.
Concursul se va încheia pe 31.12.2025. Creatorii celor mai bune 3 logo-uri vor primi premii în această ordine.
Logo-ul trebuie să aibă dimensiunea de 3000 x 3000.
Cine se conectează la Radio Emanuel Crestin va primi 2 albume la alegere.
model cum se posteaza
[IMG ]copiati url de la imagine aici[/ IMG]


Starting from today, 03/07/2025 will be organized a logo creation contest. The contest will be finished on 31/12/2025.
The creators of the best 3 logos will receive prizes in this order:
The logo must have a size of 3000 x 3000
Whoever logs on Radio Emanuel Crestin will receive 2 albums of their choice
how to post it
[IMG ]copy the url from the image here[/ IMG]

What's Going On?
Active users: 16 (12 guests, 3 members, 1 hidden members)
Most users ever online was 90, 06-01-2025 at 20:26
Mango, soneigr, Google Bot
Last 24 Hours Active Users
268 Member(s) has visited during the last 24 hours: (264 guests, 3 members, 1 hidden members)
Most users ever online was 90, 06-01-2025 at 20:26


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